2023-06-21 | Huck Boles | merged: desktop completion tweaks | commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot (tar.gz zip) |
2023-06-21 | Huck Boles | fixed: zoxide alias and chpwd ls | commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot (tar.gz zip) |
2023-06-12 | Huck Boles | fixed: pwd on change dir | commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot (tar.gz zip) |
2023-05-28 | Huck Boles | merged: desktop | commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot (tar.gz zip) |
2023-05-20 | Huck Boles | update: zsh configs inline with desktop | commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot (tar.gz zip) |
2023-05-20 | Huck Boles | added: sudo aliases | commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot (tar.gz zip) |
2023-05-05 | Huck Boles | docker-compose -> docker compose after python3.11 upgrade | commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot (tar.gz zip) |
2023-04-17 | Huck Boles | creation | commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot (tar.gz zip) |