+ odot v0.3.0
+ Task manager written in C
+ Installation:
+ Download source files
+ $ curl "https://download.huck.website/odot-[VERSION].tar.gz" > odot.tar.gz
+ Unpack source files
+ $ tar -xzvf odot.tar.gz
+ $ cd odot
+ Build odot
+ $ make && sudo make install
+ Usage:
+ Results are modified by options preceded by a dash.
+ The rest of the line is parsed into a task.
+ Available flags:
+ -g [group] Specify group for task
+ -n Add new task
+ -x Mark task as done
+ -s Show tasks
+ -a Show all groups
+ -d Also show completed tasks
+ -A Show all tasks in database
+ -r Remove task from database
+ -V Display version
+ -c Remove color
+ Examples:
+ Add a task to default group:
+ $ odot -n "task"
+ Show tasks in default group:
+ $ odot
+ Add a task to a group called newgroup:
+ $ odot -ng newgroup "things to do"
+ Finish a task and show other completed tasks:
+ $ odot -x "thing I did" -d
+ Show all completed tasks in a group called tasks:
+ $ odot -dg tasks
+ Show all tasks in database:
+ $ odot -A
+ Remove a task from database (completely removes task from memory, useful for typos):
+ $ odot -r "task I want to forget"