# zshmux
If a new shell is launched, *zshmux* quickly checks if there are any tmux sessions, or if the current shell is already in a tmux instance.
-If you are not already in a tmux session *zshmux* will ask if you want to attach a currently running session, or make a new session in the shell.
+If you are not already in a tmux session *zshmux* will list all currently active sessions, and ask if you want to attach a currently running session, or make a new session in the shell.
## How to use:
-Clone this repository: `git clone https://github.com/huboles/zshmux`
-Source *zshmux* in your .zshrc: `source <path-to-zshmux>/zshmux/zshmux.zsh`
+-Open a new shell
printf '\n\033[34;1mNo \033[33;1mtmux \033[34;1msessions active\n'
printf '\033[34;1mAttach session?\033[0;m: [\033[35;1mname\033[0m] \033[37;2m(empty if none)\033[0m: '
- read sesh
- if [ -n "$sesh" ]; then
- if tmux list-sessions | grep -q "$sesh"; then
- tmux attach-session -t $sesh
+ read session
+ if [ -n "$session" ]; then
+ if tmux list-sessions | grep -q "$session"; then
+ tmux attach-session -t $session
- tmux new-session -s $sesh
+ tmux new-session -s $session