mod tests;
-use crate::{MetaError, MetaFile, Scope};
+use crate::{log, MetaError, MetaFile, Scope};
use eyre::Result;
pub fn build_metafile(file: &MetaFile) -> Result<String, Box<MetaError>> {
+ log!(file.opts, format!("building {}", file.path.display()), 1);
if file.header.blank {
return Ok(String::new());
} else if file.header.ignore {
-use crate::{MetaError, MetaFile, Scope, Src};
+use crate::{log, MetaError, MetaFile, Scope, Src};
use eyre::Result;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub fn expand_arrays(input: String, file: &MetaFile) -> Result<String> {
+ log!(
+ file.opts,
+ format!("expanding arrays in {}", file.path.display()),
+ 2
+ );
let map: HashMap<String, &[String]> = file
-use crate::{MetaError, MetaFile, Scope};
+use crate::{log, MetaError, MetaFile, Scope};
use eyre::Result;
use std::fs;
pub fn get_pattern(key: &str, file: &MetaFile) -> Result<String> {
+ log!(file.opts, format!("expanding {key}"), 2);
// SOURCE is already expanded in the initial build_metafile() call
if key == "SOURCE" {
if let Some(source) = file.patterns.get(&Scope::into_global("SOURCE")) {
-use crate::{MetaError, MetaFile, Src};
+use crate::{log, MetaError, MetaFile, Src};
use eyre::Result;
use pandoc::{InputFormat, InputKind, OutputFormat, OutputKind, Pandoc};
return Ok(string);
+ log!(file.opts, "calling pandoc", 3);
let mut pandoc = Pandoc::new();
-use crate::{MetaError, MetaFile, Scope};
+use crate::{log, MetaError, MetaFile, Scope};
use eyre::Result;
pub fn get_variable(key: &str, file: &MetaFile) -> Result<String> {
+ log!(
+ file.opts,
+ format!("substituting {key} in {}", file.path.display()),
+ 2
+ );
let long_key = file.name()? + "." + key;
if let Some(val) = file.get_var(&Scope::into_local(&long_key)) {
pub fn get_opts() -> Result<Options> {
let opts = Options::try_from(Opts::parse())?;
+ log!(&opts, "getting options", 3);
let exists = opts.build.exists();
if exists && opts.clean {
pub fn build_site(opts: &Options) -> Result<()> {
- let mut source = DirNode::build(opts.source.clone(), opts)?;
+ log!(
+ opts,
+ format!("building site in {}", opts.build.display()),
+ 1
+ );
+ let mut source = DirNode::build(opts.source.clone(), opts)?;
let global_init = MetaFile::new(opts);
pub fn single_file(opts: &Options) -> Result<String> {
let path = opts.file.as_ref().ok_or(MetaError::Unknown)?;
+ log!(
+ opts,
+ format!("building file {}", opts.file.as_ref().unwrap().display()),
+ 1
+ );
let source = match fs::read_to_string(path) {
Ok(str) => Ok(str),
Err(_) => Err(eyre::Error::from(MetaError::FileNotFound {
pub fn new_site(opts: &Options) -> Result<()> {
+ log!(
+ &opts,
+ format!("building new site skeleton in {}", opts.root.display()),
+ 1
+ );
macro_rules! exist_or_build(
($p:expr) => {
if !$p.exists() {
mod tests;
-use crate::{Header, MetaFile, Options};
+use crate::{log, Header, MetaError, MetaFile, Options};
use eyre::Result;
use pest::{
iterators::{Pair, Pairs},
pub struct MetaParser;
pub fn parse_string(file: String, opts: &Options) -> Result<MetaFile> {
- let meta_source = MetaParser::parse(Rule::file, &file)?.next().unwrap();
+ log!(opts, "parsing file", 3);
- let metafile = parse_file(meta_source, opts);
- Ok(metafile)
+ let pair = MetaParser::parse(Rule::file, &file)?.next().unwrap();
-fn parse_file<'a>(pair: Pair<Rule>, opts: &'a Options) -> MetaFile<'a> {
let mut meta_file = MetaFile::new(opts);
if Rule::file == pair.as_rule() {
Rule::header => {
meta_file.header = Header::from(parse_header_defs(pair.into_inner()))
- Rule::var_def => meta_file.variables = parse_defs(pair.into_inner()),
- Rule::arr_def => meta_file.arrays = parse_array_defs(pair.into_inner()),
- Rule::pat_def => meta_file.patterns = parse_defs(pair.into_inner()),
+ Rule::var_def => meta_file.variables = parse_defs(pair.into_inner())?,
+ Rule::arr_def => meta_file.arrays = parse_array_defs(pair.into_inner())?,
+ Rule::pat_def => meta_file.patterns = parse_defs(pair.into_inner())?,
// do nothing on end of file
Rule::EOI => continue,
// anything else is either hidden or children of previous nodes and will be dealt with
// in respective parse functions
- _ => unreachable!(),
+ _ => {
+ return Err(MetaError::UnreachableRule {
+ input: pair.to_string(),
+ }
+ .into())
+ }
- meta_file
+ Ok(meta_file)