-if [[ -z $TMUX ]]; then
- if [[ $(tmux list-sessions | wc -l) -ne 0 ]]; then
- if [[ $(tmux list-sessions -F"#{?session_attached,,x}" | grep "x" | wc -l) -eq 1 ]] && [[ -z $SSH_CLIENT ]]; then
- tmux attach-session -t $(tmux list-sessions -F"#{?session_attached,,#S}" )
- return
- else
- printf '\033[32;1mCurrent \033[33;1mtmux \033[32;1msessions\033[0m:\n'
- tmux list-sessions -F"#S - (#{?session_attached,Attached,Not Attached})"
- printf '\033[34;1mAttach session?\033[0;m: [\033[35;1mname\033[0m] \033[37;2m(empty if none)\033[0m: '
+# start tmux server if it's not already running
+[[ ! $(pgrep tmux) ]] && tmux start
- fi
+# exit if already in a tmux session
+[[ -n $TMUX ]] && return
+# check if any sessions exit
+if [[ $(tmux list-sessions | wc -l) -ne 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ $(tmux list-sessions -F"#{?session_attached,,x}" | grep "x" | wc -l) -eq 1 ]] && [[ -z $SSH_CLIENT ]]; then
+ tmux attach-session -t $(tmux list-sessions -F"#{?session_attached,,#S}" )
+ return
- printf '\033[34;1mNo \033[33;1mtmux \033[34;1msessions active\n'
- printf '\033[34;1mCreate new session?\033[0;m: [\033[35;1mname\033[0m] \033[37;2m(empty if none)\033[0m: '
+ printf '\033[32;1mCurrent \033[33;1mtmux \033[32;1msessions\033[0m:\n'
+ tmux list-sessions -F"#S - (#{?session_attached,Attached,Not Attached})"
+ printf '\033[34;1mAttach session?\033[0;m: [\033[35;1mname\033[0m] \033[37;2m(empty if none)\033[0m: '
+ printf '\033[34;1mNo \033[33;1mtmux \033[34;1msessions active\n'
+ printf '\033[34;1mCreate new session?\033[0;m: [\033[35;1mname\033[0m] \033[37;2m(empty if none)\033[0m: '
- read session
+read session
- if [[ -n $session ]]; then
- if tmux list-sessions -F"#S" | grep -q "$session"; then
- tmux attach-session -t $session
- return
- elif [[ $session == new ]]; then
- tmux new-session
- return
- else
- tmux new-session -s $session
- return
- fi
+# start requested session - since it uses grep you just have to put enough of a unique identifier to select
+if [[ -n $session ]]; then
+ if tmux list-sessions -F"#S" | grep -q "$session"; then
+ tmux attach-session -t $session
+ return
+ elif [[ $session == new ]]; then
+ tmux new-session
+ return
+ else
+ tmux new-session -s $session
+ return
- return